Alaska Vacation 2013 Quotes

We’re back from Alaska!  

alaska vacation 2013

Of course we brought Wy to Alaska with us, he’s practically our son.

I’ll write up a more detailed post about our trip, but in the meantime enjoy our best quotes from our 5 days in Alaska: 

“NACHO RAGE!” – Anagram of Anchorage and our new name for the city 

“Look at that scenic fucking river!” – said in presence of small creek moments into our first “scenic walk”

“Salt, water, salt, water, salt, water, SUGAR!!”  – Our take on road food

“There was no consciousness, I had become a machine devoted to pain.”  – Jim describing his experience on our flight seeing excursion

“My brain’s already shoved that memory into ‘recycle these neurons for something else” – Jim describing his recovery from our flight seeing excursion

“I believe we were just in the company of bona fide lesbians” – They were everywhere!

“No one here is good at anything!” – Me, exasperated by inaccurate menus, poor graphic design, and bad spelling everywhere in Alaska (us Type As never go on vacation!)
(I do want to add that Alaskans are very good at shooting, as evidenced by all the bullet-holed road signs.)

“You still have it on?!” – Jim, surprised I still have the lava-hot heated car seat turned on
“I’ve got a lot of butt, okay?!” – Me

“Pull over, there’s a JoAnn” – Me, spotting my favorite fabric store in Fairbanks

Write down your quotes as you travel, seriously – they’re more fun than the pics!