Welcome Home, Gadget

My husband, Jim, and I have felt the absence of a dog in our lives for years. Part of the reason we got a house in the first place was so that we could have a dog. But there was always something holding us back: the 9 hour workday, the usual uncertainties and worries (what if the dog is difficult to train, or what if the dog spoils our nice home?), and the general logistics (what happens when we travel?).

Since I’m currently unemployed and studying for bootcamp – and after that, who knows? – now seemed like as good a time as any to make good on our promise to someday get a dog. I’d be home to train her and get her situated, and we can ease back into that whole workday routine thing. We’ll figure the rest out as it comes.

In late May we went to a local rescue group’s adoption event (People United for Pets – check ’em out if you’re in the Puget Sound area) intending to just have a look, not really committed to any particular breed/mix. But the moment we saw her, we knew she belonged with us. We applied and four days later, she was ours!

Welcome home, Gadget. We waited a long time for you!






She might be a Chi, but she hasn’t lived up to the negative breed stereotypes. Easy to train, rarely provoked to bark, and incredibly playful. She also loves to hump elbows, especially if you play some metal. She’s rad like that.