Decorations? In MyHome?!

Jim and I ventured into the gigantic MyHome store warehouse in Kirkland for the first time. WOW.  I’m in love.   The decorating instinct doesn’t come naturally to either of us, but we’re both aware of the need to fill our empty corners and cover our bare walls with something.

To remember what we liked, I photographed anything we were both enthusiastic about in the store.  We’ll browse through ’em later at home and see what makes it to the next round.  Sometimes a photo is great at revealing details we didn’t notice in the store!  Giving ourselves time to consider a purchase also helps prevent overspending.

Some of my favorites from this trip:










A decorative tree would add some much needed texture and variety to an empty corner of the family or living room.








I love the way its both organic and geometric at the same time.










NO WAY – a real throne!  Time out while we sit in it and photograph each other.










Our vaulted-ceiling family room would love this super huge tree, but our wallets would NOT love its $800 price tag!








An entire niche of steampunk art and accessories?  Whooo!








I love this tree painting.  The squares make it look pixilated!









If you’re ever in need of a giant vase to put some crazy sticks in, MyHome’s got you covered.  I lol’d at first, but now this “pot and sticks” look is starting to grow on me.  I could just see it in a corner or next to the fireplace.

We’re going to return to MyHome this weekend to (hopefully) snag some Memorial Day sale-price goodness.

Another DIY blog, but with more awesome


My husband and I are video game developers by day, home improvement noobs by night.  We’re about 30 years old if you average our ages but we’re both basically overgrown children.

Level Up House will chronicle our adventures as we take on simple (and seemingly-simple-at-first) home improvement projects in our late-70’s house, which we moved into in December 2010.

Things we like: 

  • Computers
  • Video games
  • A super comfortable home
  • Budgets and saving money
  • Plushies
  • Cosplay
  • Fantasy & Sci Fi
  • Homemade pizza
  • Internet

Things we don’t like:

  • Spending a lot of money on home improvement
  • Hot summers
  • Mean people

