Small Pantry Organization: 25 Free and Cheap Ideas to Tame Your Tiny Pantry

Updated for 2014! Added even more organizational ideas and some links to helpful products! Let’s get organized!

As a Small Pantry Owner™, I am somewhat of an expert on stuffing a ton of food into a too-small space:

Small pantry organization - cramming way too much into too little space since forever!

This pantry is little!  

Having lived in two places without a pantry, though, I must say I am glad to have a pantry in the first place.  My pantry hails from an era of, well, less.  Food came in smaller packages in 1977 (as probably did people, too).   Maybe people had less of it on hand, too.  New construction homes have pantries that are practically walk-in closets, large enough in size to rival some bathrooms.

When we first toured this house in 2010, I could tell that the previous owner was struggling with food storage.  Not only was this pantry overstuffed with food, but so were three shelves in the garage.

My Small Pantry Organizational Challenges

  • Two-person household with almost no food overlap between us (he eats peanut butter, pasta, cereal, I don’t; I eat popcorn and hoard bake mixes, he doesn’t)
  • My kitchen sucks for storage in general with just two tiny drawers and a U-shaped countertop with just a couple cabinets underneath
  • I love to cook
  • My husband loves to cook even more
  • I hate running out of things

This used to be me, but I’ve reformed my ways!

small pantry organization tip 1 less packaged food

Life without a pantry was brutal and messy.

From my 7+ years of experience, here are my 25 free or cheap ways to get more out of your tiny pantry.

Cheap Pantry Organization: Coming Soon to a Small Pantry Near YOU

1) Short racks increase vertical space

If your pantry’s short but tall, use that height to your advantage! Stackable racks are great for adding “layers” to the vertical space.

I have a few of these humble wire stands. They’re super cheap and basically double the amount of vertical space available for use:


Put plates under it and on it!

small pantry organization double deck rack

Got a lot of vertical space? Get a double deck rack!


An under-shelf wire basket makes use of that often-underutilized space right below a shelf.

2) Keep fewer snack foods on hand

Reducing how much stuff I kept on hand made a huge difference in how overstuffed the pantry was. It also meant fewer things were going stale before I could eat them, which in turn saved me a lot of money.

I used to keep oatmeal, cereal, pasta, chips, Cheez-It, cookies, fruit snacks, candies, canned fruit, jellies, etc, all jammed into my pantry.  A dozen or so boxes of all of my favorite snacks so that no matter what I wanted, it was on hand.

But having “one of everything” was bad for a few reasons:

  1. All those snacks took a lot of space
  2. It was easy to eat a lot more than I should have since so much was available
  3. The snacks weren’t that good for me, anyway

The experiment: I picked 2-3 of my favorite “pantry snacks” to keep on hand.

I thought this would be hard and I was sure I’d be sad about it, but it was great.  Two or three packages of cookies and chips takes up way less space than twelve; and when I have less on hand I eat less of it. If I buy three bags of popcorn, I eat the first one right away because it’s like an extra “bonus bag”.  But if I just buy one bag, I ration it more carefully.

3) Stop buying cake and cookie decorations

Ugh, I had a serious cake decoration addiction.  I’m in recovery now.

I wanted to have the cutest cookies and cakes at every party, and that required food dyes and sprinkles in every color. My collection got huge, and my collection was growing faster than I was using it up because every holiday meant a new set of decorations! 

Then I had a realization: drunk partiers don’t give a damn about cookie decorations.   I used up what I had and downsized my collection to a few versatile color gels, a couple sets of sprinkles, and that’s it.


Sad but true: drunk people don’t give a crap about your adorbs cupcakes.

4) Don’t keep bakeware for things you don’t make

For me, this was cupcake tins and cupcake papers, of which I had many. By admitting the truth about my feelings about cupcakes (do not like), I was able to get rid of three cupcake tins and numerous packages of cupcake papers and reclaim the space in my pantry.

But what about muffins?! you say. Eh, muffin recipes can be made as a loaf of bread.

Maybe for you its pie tins, or cookie cutters (I had a giant box full!) or four different sizes of cake pans.  Take a serious look at your bakeware and toss anything you don’t absolutely love to use.

5) Downsize your spice collection

You probably have a handful of go-to spices and the rest you wouldn’t miss if it disappeared.  Go ahead and toss the weird stuff you only use once a year.  Your small pantry will thank you.

These are my essential spices – your preferences may differ:

  • salt
  • pepper
  • Red Robin spice
  • cinnamon & sugar blend
  • nutmeg
  • cumin
  • paprika
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • basil
  • oregano

6) Label the tops of your spices

I use a black Sharpie marker to write the names of my spices on their caps.  This way, I can store them in a drawer (like I did in my apartment) or in a flat organizer. Next time you’re searching for a spice, you can read the tops instead of shuffling them around.

small pantry organization tip 6 label spices

Small pantry organization tip: label your spice caps. 

7) Throw out old food

Tossing old food is a no-brainer, but it’s easy to miss as older things get pushed to the back and forgotten about.  If it’s old, let it go. How’s that for cheap pantry organization? You don’t even have to buy anything!

8) Find supplemental storage areas

I use some of the garage shelving to small kitchen appliances, canned goods, unopened bottles of marinades and sauces, and seldom-used kitchen tools like my rolling pin.

I don’t recommend storing foods that might attract pests in your garage.

small pantry organization tip extra storage in garage

Supplement your pantry with other storage areas. 

9) Use it all the time? Just leave it out.

B- for looks, A+ for functionality!  I use these spices, this cooking spray, and this skillet every morning, so they get to live on the countertop.  Not having to dig through the pantry for them = win.

small pantry organization tip keep commonly used items out

I use these things every day, so I just leave them out.  

10) Install door organizers

This back-of-the-door spice rack came with the house, and it’s super useful for storing small items like spices and jellies.  The only thing I don’t like about it?  It had to be attached to the door with screws, permanently damaging the door.

small pantry organization rack on door

Small pantry organization secret: door racks!

Are you looking for a sweet organizer that won’t damage the door?  This deluxe-size over-the-door pantry organizer on is inexpensive, adjustable, and won’t damage your door. I don’t own this, but I like it better than what I have.  If I was organizing an apartment pantry or didn’t want to drill holes in my pantry door, I’d buy this in a heartbeat.

small pantry organization deluxe over the door pantry organizer

To be honest, I’m jealous.

11) Combine food into one box

If you have more than one box of something, putting everything into one container can save you a bit of space. Cheap pantry organization at its finest!

12) Hang things from the pantry walls

This two-pronged bathrobe hook is great for storing oven mitts and pot holders. Bonus: It looks like a lopsided octopus. Another bonus: It’s dirt cheap but doesn’t look it.

small pantry organization hang items on walls

Small pantry organization tip: hang things on hooks!  On the opposite side is our fly-swatter. :) 

13) Buy the small version


Buy the economy size and save big – on SPACE!

A gigantic tub of cooking oil might cost less per ounce, but there’s a hidden cost at work here: the space requirements are expensive.  This is why we don’t shop at Costco or other bulk retailers: I just don’t have the space. And if your house is like mine, you probably don’t either.

Added bonus: Having less of something on hand seems to encourage us to be less wasteful.  I won’t cook the whole bag if it’s the only bag in the house, but I will if it’s one of six.  I’ll stretch less cooking oil further, use less butter, and eat less overall simply by having less available.

14) Keep only the best supplies


One mitt to rule them all: I tossed my crappy oven mitts and replaced them with one awesome Oxo mitt.

I used to have 1 good oven mitt and at least a half dozen inferior ones.  No surprise here: I never reached for the inferior mitts.  They just sat in a big pile taking up space.  So I donated the inferior ones and bought one more really awesome oven mitt, an OXO Good Grips Silicone Oven Mitt. Now I have 2 great mitts instead of 6+ okay ones.

Same goes for knives: do you favor a particular one?  I love my OXO Santoku.  Once I realized I’d go out of my way to wash the Santoku instead of using one of the inferior but already clean knives, I rounded up all the inferior ones and donated them.

What about coffee mugs?  Do some of yours suck? Toss ’em.

Got a favorite cutting mat? Dinner tray? Scrub brush? Toss the rest and reclaim a ton of space.

15) Get rid of anything you haven’t used in a year+

Sort of related to #14, when I realized I hadn’t used my griddle in nearly 3 years I decided to give it to the local charity drop-off. The griddle was large, but it never got hot enough to compete with cooking in a smaller skillet on the stovetop.  Donating this unused appliance freed up half a shelf(!) worth of pantry space.

What’s frustrating though, are items I do actually use a couple times a year.  For me, that’s the toaster, the blender, the coffee maker, and electric hand-mixer. The best solution I’ve found for these items are to keep them in their original boxes (so they stay clean and so they can stack with other storage items) and store them somewhere outside the pantry.  Since the pantry is so small, it has to be for commonly-used items, not once-in-a-blue-moon items.

16) Stop storing so much food in the first place

Even in this age of 24-hour grocery stores, I find this one super challenging.  I include it in this list as a goal to strive for, but I fail at it all the time myself.

I apparently have a lot of hoarding baggage to get over, and it extends to a fear of running out of food.  No, I’m not really going to run out of food but this problem is exacerbated by stores like our local Safeway that seem to have inconsistent stock of certain items. I suppose we’re at the end of the shipping lines here in the PNW, but it just drives me nuts to run out of something.

Limited edition/seasonal foods: ugh, limited edition foods are my bane.  Those mint M&M that only come out at Christmas? I buy 20 as soon as they hit shelves in November because they aren’t available after mid-December! (And they really are the best mint chocolate candy.)

christmas mint m&ms are to die for

Every Christmas I buy a year’s supply of mint M&Ms.  No, the year-round mint variety is not nearly as good. 

Also not helping: those items you can only get at stores you don’t go to all the time.  For me, that’s DeLallo pizza sauce from Fred Meyer and Quinoa chips from Trader Joe’s.  I don’t want to go to these stores every single week, so when I am at one of these stores, I often leave with like 3 or 4 of the item I can only find at this store.

Realistically, the best I can do here is to not stock up on things I know are plentiful or interchangeable with another store’s version. This leaves room for the harder to find items that I buy lots of.

17) Resist bargains

Somewhat related to #16, I find “stock up and save!” and post-holiday deals borderline irresistible.

For example, Halloween Funfetti cake mix gets deeply discounted on November 1st.   This is my favorite Funfetti mix because I’m easily entertained and enjoy the novelty of black sprinkles.

How much does this really save me, though?  A couple bucks a box?  And it comes at the high cost of having to store a stack of cake mixes for months and months.

18) It’s okay to throw perfectly good food away

I definitely struggle with throwing away food that’s technically still good but I don’t like eating.  If you don’t like eating it, take it to the office.  Or just throw it away.  No one will know and the planet won’t suffer.

19) Don’t try new foods all the time

When I first moved out on my own, I wanted to try everything in the grocery store.  This resulted in having way more food in the house than I had room for, since I wasn’t eating it fast enough to keep pace with new and exciting stuff coming in.  Don’t buy something new until the old one is eaten up / thrown out.  You’ve got your whole life to eat your way through the cookie aisle, there’s no rush. :)

21) Don’t buy gimmicky organizers that are larger than you need

You know what I mean – giant knife-holders that take up a square foot of countertop space and giant spice racks that would make the East India Trading Company jealous. I started life on my own with these oversized organizers, but all they did was make me think I was supposed to have 8 specialized knives (when all I ever used was my favorite OXO Santoku) and twenty spices (when I kept reaching for the same three again and again). They also took a lot of space.  Ditching the organizers also let me downsize my collections of things, which in turn ended up using way less space.

Note: If you do actually use this much variety in knives and spices – like, you cook all the time and you’ve touched everything in the organizer in the last few months, by all means, keep these things.  But don’t keep them around because you feel you have to.  I don’t care how you organize it, one good knife always takes up less space than eight.

22) Organizing pots, pans, and skillet lids


This heavy duty Rubbermaid pan organizer lets you stack pans without touching bottoms to cook surfaces.

If you’re like I used to be, you probably have more pots, pans, and skillets than you actually use.

The first step to decluttering your pot/pan collection is to figure out which ones you actually use.  You probably have a few favorites, and the rest are just there “in case”.  Identify the favorites, and donate the rest to a charity.

Now that your pan collection is more reasonably sized, you might find you already have enough room to store them without stacking them.  I don’t like stacking skillets because their cook surfaces are usually some magical non-stick surface that shouldn’t come into contact with metal, such as the bottoms of other pans. If you have to stack your pans to get them to fit in your limited storage space, the Rubbermaid Kitchen pan/lid organizer is a good choice.  Heavy enough for cast iron and big enough for two 14″ pans, this thing holds more skillets than most cooks should need.

What to do with lids?  I like to put lids on the pans they go with.  I’ve futzed around with “lid organizers”, but I don’t like how they separate lids from the pots/pans they belong with. Getting out cookware turns into a lame matching guessing game, usually done at shin-height in a dark cabinet. Boo on that.

Remember, only keep what you actually use. Don’t feel bad about breaking up a set – whoever gets that skillet or too-big-pot you donated because you never use it will be thrilled. :)  I have two small skillets, two medium skillets, a cast iron skillet (it’s huge), and two pots (one small, one large-ish).  I used to have a gigantic pot, the kind you’d see in an Italian kitchen with an avalanche of pasta spilling out, but I realized pretty quickly that 1) I never cook that much pasta at once and 2) I don’t even like pasta. Ditching what you don’t need is essential for getting everything organized.

23) Pick one food storage system

I’ve known people with, like, four decades worth of Tupperware bowls.  The styles change so nothing stacks with anything, and it all takes up a lot of space.  When I started out on my own, I bought everything from the same system.  I was poor when I was starting out, though, so I bought these cheap Gladware containers.  Turns out, I love ’em.  They stay on the market for years without changing, and the same-size containers all stack with each other.

Whatever you do, don’t buy a dozen different sizes.  This is my chief complaint with most storage systems: you get 2 of this size, 2 of that size, 2 of this other size, and on and on.   You don’t need that much variety. I store all my fridge food with just three sizes.  Check out the variety at your local store and build your collection slowly.  Don’t add a new container type until you’re absolutely sure you need it.

24) Hang your brooms and mops


Rolling balls adjust to the handle size and each clamp holds 7.5 lbs of weight.

I used to jam my brooms, mops, dusters, Swiffers (that thing was a waste of money), etc, into whatever corner would hold them.  Then I got a broom organizer for my garage and now they’re neat and tidy.  (I immediately bought another for my rakes and shovels, they’re seriously awesome.)

Oh, and as long as we’re on the subject of brooms and mops – consider whether you have too many.  I did – three brooms was excessive, so we tossed the worst one and kept the nicest broom for inside the house and the second-best for the garage.  I hate mopping, so I donated my mop while I was at it. I’d rather crawl around with a bucket and a rag.

I had a wet Swiffer but that thing was an exercise in futility. Maybe our home is dirtier than most, but those wet pads just didn’t do anything.  My floors have to be scrubbed with elbow grease to make any difference.

25) Eat it!

If you don’t have room for it, you gotta eat it, right?

At least, that’s the logic we use when we discover the last four cookies on the sheet won’t fit in the container we’re using to store them.

small pantry organization eat what doesn't fit :)

Made more than you can store? Well, you know what you gotta do…

Note to readers: Some of the links in this article are Amazon Affiliate links. They are provided to help you go straight to the recommended product.  If you shop through an affiliate link, a tiny % of your purchase (if you make one) helps support this site with a tiny kickback at no cost to you.  As always, I encourage you to shop around and price compare to be sure you get the best deal!

Subie Appreciation Post

We love our new 2013 Subaru Forester.  I mean, we super duper love it.

I can’t believe how long we lasted without a hauler.  I love our Taurus, but it was never meant to haul big stuff.  I cringed every time I drove from store to home with a new purchase sticking 5 feet out the back.  The Taurus moved me twice, and I’m sure at least 10% of its 85k miles are from carrying my belongings piecemeal style, box by box, over the course of several weeks to the new place.

In short, welcoming the Subie into our family has completely changed our lives.  In appreciation, I give you:


This awkwardly huge IKEA desk top:


Our new toilet:


All of these yard supplies:


Me (in the backseat, for a 6 hour road trip):


Three arborvitaes:


“Hazardous” household materials:


Tons of yard supplies:


Our new IKEA bookshelf:


A load of things for charity:


And our long-awaited television!


Thank you, Subaru, for making an SUV that I:

1) completely love

2) can use to haul big things without actually having to drive a humongous car

3) don’t feel like a stereotypical asshole SUV driver in


Home Organization: Clear Plastic Bins for the Win

Q: What do all of these storage areas have in common?





A: Okay, besides the fact that I have too much crap and should really get rid of it.  The answer is: they’re all using the exact same storage bins!

Like me, you probably have loads of stuff that isn’t in use but isn’t useless.  You want this stuff handy when you need it, and out of sight and easy to store when you don’t.  If you’re even more like me, you have very little storage space in your home and need to make the most of closets.

My solution: put it ALL in bins. 

I’ve used this system for over ten years and I’m convinced it’s the best:

  • Easy stacking
  • Bins are more durable and more waterproof than cardboard
  • Bins are easy to label
  • Transparent bins are easy to see inside of
  • Stuff stays clean, dry, and good-smelling when it’s stored inside a closed bin
  • Bins are interchangeable, so when you need fewer in one place and more in another you can take from your own stock
  • Makes moving easier and faster when stuff is already packed

How to start your own clear storage bin empire:

1) Choose a major nationwide retailer.

It’s not that I think gigantic chains are particularly deserving of your business. You need these bins to be available on the market for a long time because you’ll come back for more later. You may move cross-country.

I acquired the first bins of my set in 1998 from WalMart and have continued to purchase more bins of the same set ever since.  I don’t like shopping at WalMart, but I’ll be a customer for life because they carry the bins I use throughout my house.

2) Find a bin that meets these qualifications: 

  • Stackable: an absolute must
  • Transparent: another absolute must. Solid color bins won’t do you any favors when you’re desperately searching for something months/years later.
  • Multiple capacities with same size lid: a nice bonus
  • Rugged: thick bottoms, thick lids, no broken ones on store shelves
  • Handleless lid design: Avoid “locking” plastic lid handles, they’re just one more thing that can break.  They’re also just not as rugged.

The bins I use are Sterilite brand, still sold in Walmart stores and at many retailers online.  Sterilite’s offered this design for at least 15 years, and every time I stray I regret it.  I’ve never broken one of these bins, but I’ve broken/bent plenty of lesser brands.



The white lid/clear plastic combo is my favorite, but if you shop during back to school season (July/August) and the winter holiday season (December), you can find them in rarer color combinations.  I scored a collection of red/green/gold bins a couple Christmases ago.

2) Buy a TON of this bin. However many you think you need, buy more.

Yes, this is an investment, but it’s an investment that pays off whenever you’re looking for something, reorganizing, or moving.

3) Sort sort sort your stuff.

This may take you days/weeks worth of free time.  Break it up.  Do an hour a weekend.  You’ll get through it.

4) Label!

I like to use a torn off bit of masking tape and a permanent marker.  Easy to create, easy to remove if you re-purpose the bin later on.

*BONUS POINTS* Put a date on the label.  This will help you in future reorganizing efforts.  It’ll also make it easier to get rid of things you haven’t used in “a while” when you realize “a while” is four years.



5) Put away!  

These bins fit nicely under beds, at the bottom of closets, on closet shelves, and on my favorite wire shelving from Room Essentials (sold at Target).


8 Ways to Maximize Your Weekend Productivity

Happy Friday!  I love this day.  That precious uninterrupted stretch of free time known as the weekend is in its infancy.  Weekend is full of potential for my projects.  I wasn’t always great at being productive during the weekends, though.

When I started working full time I became outright depressed over the drastic drop in free time.  It seemed like the weekend was just barely long enough to deal with all the chores and errands that piled up during the week.  As soon as I was done putting the last of the laundry away, it was Sunday night and time to before start the whole process over again.  It felt like all of my life, even the part where I wasn’t in the office, was dedicated to serving my employer.

So hour by hour, I reclaimed it.  My weekly goal: hit the weekend running on the project or endeavor of my choice.  The time added up.

In seven years I’ve used the time to chip away at various goals: learned basic programming skills, added art to my portfolio, started a plush toy business, developed an iOS app, fixed up a fixer-upper, and wrote this blog about it!  I’m far from having “mastered” any of these things, but they’ve given me a sense of purpose and accomplishment. If you’ve read this far, I suspect you’d like to do the same.

Below, 8 of my techniques for maximizing weekend productivity.

1. Get enough sleep each night

Crap sleep = crap output.  Being well rested is essential for high levels of weekend productivity.

If you hit the weekend exhausted, it’s probably because your week was exhausting. Don’t let the workweek rob you of your precious weekend. I think this is the most important contributor to weekend success. You must treat the week preparation for an awesome and productive weekend.

Entire books have been written about getting a good night’s sleep. This is what’s worked for me.

  • Keep a consistent bedtime and wake time. Bed at 10:15, awake at 6:45 seems to be my sweet spot.
  • Have an amazingly comfy bed.
  • Don’t let things that delay sleep into your bedroom. No TVs, tablets, laptops. Books and magazines are okay :)
  • Make your bedroom DARK.
  • Challenge yourself physically during the day. This will help make you be tired by bedtime. I typically work out in the morning for 40 minutes and take a 20 minute walk after I get home from work.
  • Don’t work late. If your job is making you work late regularly, find a new job. Seriously. You need your evening, no matter how depressingly short it may be, to decompress.
  • Write down anything that’s bothering you. Emptying your brain onto paper can have a relaxing effect.

If these things don’t work for you, get yourself to a doctor.  Your life is way too precious to spend it constantly “catching up” on sleep.

2. Write down your goals for the weekend

Writing down my goals in a notebook = high weekend productivity

I find it overwhelming to get to Saturday morning with nothing on my “to do” list. It’s too much to think of something, start it, get a decent momentum on it, and finish it all in the span of a weekend.  It’s easier to do nothing, or do less than I would have done had I simply formalized some plans for the weekend.

Keeping a notebook on my desk where I write tasks for my week and weekend has massively helped with productivity. I stare at it whenever my mind wanders and it helps me remember what I wanted to be doing.

  • Break your weekend goal down into parts. For example, if your goal is to work on your app this weekend, then make a list of three features you want to add to it. Or make a list of bugs to fix. Try to come up with about four hours of work for yourself to accomplish over Saturday and Sunday. You can always add more later.
  • Even routine things like “call home” and “wash sheets” are totally fair game for this list.

*Bonus Points*

Prioritize your tasks. Circle your critical tasks, and don’t feel bad if you complete them at the expense of all the non-criticals.

3. Block out time for your weekend project

If you truly struggle with finding time for your personal projects, then you must create time for them. You have time for things like showering and eating, don’t you? Well, your project is just as important as those things!

Pick a couple hours and declare that your project time. Don’t let anything creep into that time. Say no to invitations and obligations that will interfere with being productive this weekend.

4. Start Friday night

As soon as your basic needs are taken care of Friday night, just sit down and get started.

NO TV, NO VIDEO GAMES, NO INTERNET, NO TEXTING, NO ENTERTAINMENT until you’ve put 30 minutes into your project.

It’s okay to start small and be unambitious.

If your goal is to make some new art this weekend, open Photoshop or your sketchbook and draw for 30 minutes.  That’s all.  Give yourself permission to stop after 30 minutes if you’d rather go do something else.  Just remember: it won’t happen if you don’t do it.

If your goal has some unknowns that could slow you down (maybe you’re developing an app, haha), start simple.  Run your code.  If it runs, find something that’s easy to fix, and fix it. If you discover trouble – say, it won’t build, or your computer’s giving you crap – you can get a jump on resolving it. If you didn’t start this until the end of Sunday, you’d spend the whole evening being derailed by these problems and you wouldn’t get to do what you wanted to do.

If your goal is to get organized, start small: pick a closet or a drawer.  Pull out five items you don’t use.  You’re done.  Unless, of course, you want to keep going.

It doesn’t matter how much you do on Friday night, it just matters that you do something. You’ll start to get into the project and you’ll prep your brain to think about the project and any associated challenges. Sleeping on it will give your brain time to process the problems, and you’ll likely wake up Saturday ready to continue and with some new ideas in mind.

5. Announce your plans to everyone

Tell everyone you live with that you intend to work on your app/clean out your closet/lift weights/write for your book this weekend. Especially do this if you’re usually available 24/7 to the people you live with. Tell them you’re taking X hours to work on Z.

If you’re lucky, they’ll hold you to it. ;)

6. Do chores on weeknights

If you usually save all your chores for the weekend, you’re likely to feel obligated to do them instead of your special project.  At least, that’s how I seem to work: can’t do something for myself until the “responsible stuff” is done.

So get it done ahead of time.  Grocery shop on a weeknight, vaccuum, clean your bathroom, sort your laundry.  Do these shitty chores while you’re already tired from work, instead of when you’re well-rested and fresh on the weekend.  Maximizing your weekend productivity means getting stupid things like laundry done ahead of time.

7. Get up early on Saturday morning, go straight to your project

Dedicate a chunk of time to accomplishing your weekend's goal(s)

Get out of bed, go to the bathroom, and then go straight to your project. Don’t stop to eat, don’t check the Internet, don’t do anything that isn’t house-on-fire urgent.  While everyone else is sleeping off their hangover, you’ll be covering ground on something important to you.

Squeeze in as much as you can before you get pulled away by other responsibilities.

8. Do the worst part of your project first

If you’re dreading an aspect of your project, do that first. Start with the unknowns first. You’ll get your brain working on the problem subconciously. Bonus points if you do this Friday night, so your brain can backburner it as you sleep. You might wake up with a brilliant solution in mind. If not, at least you ruled out at least one idea that won’t work.

Honestly, the best way to begin is to begin.  Just start.  And then keep going!